Lagoon Discovery Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures

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Ngatangiia, Rarotonga
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Snorkle Tour

Embark on an unforgettable underwater journey with guided snorkel tours.

The Lagoon Discovery Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures in Ngatangiia, Rarotonga is an excellent family-friendly activity for those wanting to explore the stunning Rarotongan lagoon in a safe, guided environment. The safari offers a 90-minute adventure where participants cruise through the "Coral Canyons" on eco-friendly sea scooters. The experienced and knowledgeable guides provide a quick safety brief and fit participants with all necessary gear, including sea scooters, masks, snorkels, fins, and shorty wetsuits. Guests are encouraged to bring their own masks and snorkels due to COVID-19, but the tour provides them if needed.

The tour aims to educate participants about coral reefs, marine habitat, and conservation efforts while providing an exhilarating and immersive experience in the warm waters of Rarotonga. By using the sea scooters, participants explore the lagoon entirely within the safety of the reef, encountering various marine life such as Moray Eels, Bluefin & Blackfin Trevally, and even Sea Turtles if lucky. Additionally, the tour includes the unique experience of feeding the fish and getting to witness the Bluefin Trevally during a feeding frenzy.

Participants will have the opportunity to take their own underwater cameras or hire a GoPro to capture their memories and the breathtaking marine life. After the safari, they can enjoy a 10% discount off all food and beverages at the Flying Turtle Cafe, offering a perfect conclusion to the adventure.

Ariki Adventures prioritizes the safety and well-being of its guests by adhering to COVID-19 procedures, which include regular hand washing by guides, sanitized gear and equipment, availability of hand sanitizer, and practical social distancing throughout the experience.

The company is also committed to conservation efforts, as they sponsor The Cook Islands Sea Turtle Conservation Society, with a percentage of tour fees going toward protecting Sea Turtles for future generations. Ariki Adventures has been recognized for its efforts, winning the Air New Zealand Eco-Tourism Awards Winner 2020 and the Air New Zealand Outstanding Kia Orana Spirit Awards Winner 2020.

In conclusion, the Lagoon Discovery Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures offers an unforgettable and educational experience for all ages, where guests can explore the remarkable marine life of Rarotonga's lagoon while contributing to conservation efforts. Whether it's the thrill of sea scootering through the Coral Canyons, encountering exotic marine species, or learning about the Cook Islands' environmental initiatives, this safari guarantees a fun and enriching adventure in the Cook Islands.

Lagoon Discovery Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures amenities

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Lagoon Discovery Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures location

Ngatangiia, Rarotonga