Shipwreck Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures

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Ngatangiia, Rarotonga
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Ariki Adventures offers an exhilarating Shipwreck Sea Scooter Safari in Rarotonga, providing visitors with a unique and eco-friendly way to explore the underwater world. Participants are equipped with lightweight sea scooters featuring three-level speed controls for a comfortable and personalized experience. The approximately 90-minute tour begins with a safety briefing and a practice session in shallow waters before venturing beyond the reef to the 100-year-old shipwreck resting just 5 meters below the surface.

This open ocean sea scooter safari promises an extraordinary encounter with marine life, including turtles, pufferfish, and reef sharks at the "Coral Gardens" just outside the reef. As an Eco-Adventure Tourism Award Winner in 2020, Ariki Adventures ensures eco-friendly tours, emphasizing the protection of marine resources and prioritizing the safety of all participants. Moreover, the company supports the Cook Islands Sea Turtle Conservation Society through tour fees, contributing to the conservation of sea turtles for future generations.

The tour's highlights include the close-up view of the shipwreck RMS Maitai, which sank just outside Avarua Harbour in 1916 and is now part of the reef. Additionally, the Coral Gardens, known for its vibrant coral colors and diverse marine inhabitants, offers a mesmerizing sight. Visitors might also have the opportunity to witness humpback whales during the peak season from mid-June to October.

The itinerary begins with a meet-up in Avarua, followed by a safety briefing, equipment fitting, and completion of the Sea Scooter Operators course. Participants then venture into the open ocean, experiencing the electric blues of the Pacific Ocean and cruising to the shipwreck site while being guided by professionals who point out marine and environmental points of interest. Guests are encouraged to bring their own underwater cameras to capture the memorable moments, and the company also offers the option to purchase and share images through their photo site.

After the adventure, participants can enjoy a 10% discount on food and beverages at the Flying Turtle Cafe in Arorangi, making it a perfect way to conclude the day's excitement.Overall, Ariki Adventures' Shipwreck Sea Scooter Safari in Rarotonga provides a thrilling and educational experience, fostering a deep appreciation for the underwater world and marine conservation efforts.

Shipwreck Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures amenities

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Shipwreck Sea Scooter Safari with Ariki Adventures location

Ngatangiia, Rarotonga